Shinya Hasegawa, a former protegé of Daiki Suzuki and dedicated year-round east coast surfer, brought out his debut Battenwear collection in 2011. A collection inspired by the wave of design in the 1970's that sought to infuse utilitarian performance clothing from the world of surfing and mountain climbing with a sense of style. Hasegawa creates pieces for Battenwear that are highly functional, durable and are have a definite sense of style. With a focus on technologically forward thinking fabrics, every piece is designed to aid those who seek a more active lifestyle and with an eye on quality, every piece is made in the USA.
Intended to keep you comfortable during the harshest of sessions on the waves, these Board shorts feature a Velcro fly and draw string closure, a button closed back pocket containing an elastic cord for you keys and are finished with two stripes on the left leg, marking the second year of Batten Sportswear.
- 65% Cotton / 35% Nylon Blend
- Cord Close and Velcro Fly
- Rear Button Close Pocket with Elastic Key Cord
- Striped Detail on Leg
- Woven Battenwear Logo
- Made in USA
Battenwear Board ShortsRoyal